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From Myrtle Beach, SC

October 5, 2015

Good golly !!! It has nearly been a momth since I have written a word. It has been a crazy and busy world. I am just now coming down to earth and getting back to being Stitchlady.

The last few weeks leading up to the ANG national seminar in Myrtle Beach had me spinning.  Trying to keep up with all the last minute details was keeping  me awake. Finally on September 23rd I had my bags packed and left my house at 3am heading to the Tucson airport with Myrtle Beach, South Carolona as  my final destination.  All the flights were on time and I arrived at the Sheraton Hotel and Convention Center in time to unpack and head to dinner.

Thursday the 24th began with getting the teaching pieces for the New Orleans seminar next year hung. We checked out the classroom area, making sure that all would be ready for the first day of classes on Friday.

Our goal as the Seminar Faculty Committee (SFC) is for all the students to have great classes and not even realize that we are hovering in the background. We check classrooms three times a day. Once early, while most students are still having breakfast, looking for the proper set up, electric cords taped dpwn, markers and flip pads are in place for teachers, trash cans in the room and water available. This is done EVERY day. Classes begin at 8:30am and SFC will check mid morning and mid afternoon to be sure all students are in class or have let someone know why they are not. We do not want a student who doesn’t show up for class to be in trouble with no one checking for them.  I did a lot of walking. my FItbit let me know that I was hitting my goal of 6000 steps nearly everyday.

SFC also helps to setup and breakdown the teachers showcase on Tuesday night. So Tuesday is a 13-14 hour day. I must admit that for 9 days I had no idea what day of the week is was, what was happening in the news. 

On Friday night after the final banquet………I breathed a sigh of relief that another seminar had been enjoyed by over 400 students. My term (4yrs) on SFC was over. I had given back to an organization that I love in hopes to keep it going strong.  If members do not give back to their favorite organizations they will eventually die.

I did take my snowman and managed to stitch a little. It did help me relax. WordPress still will not let me post photos from my iPad so you are just getting all this prose.  I will get many photos of my projects back on the blog when I get home.

I am still in Myrtle Beach with my daughter. We are having a mini-vacation……while it rains and rains and rains but that doesn’t dampen our time together.  We are not in an area that is getting flooded. Today we are venturing out to shop….we will see who is open.

I hope this finds all my followers well. I will be back soon.

One Comment leave one →
  1. October 5, 2015 8:17 am

    Welcome back. I know you must be exhausted! Looking forward to seeing pix!!

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