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I have been having lots of fun stitching time on Happy HOUSE . I have been moving around the canvas just stitching on areas as I felt like it. . Below is a close up on my leaf stitch grass area. It is done in Thread Gatherer Flax ‘n Colors 100% linen Green Leaves. I really like the overdye thread.

The sky is done in a simple ‘T’ stitch with two strands of floss. I have begun shading by needle blending two colors of blue. The lighter of the two will be used towards the bottom of the sky.

Floss is used on the roof line in a back stitch ‘over one’ and a straight satin stitch over four. Both colors use four strands of floss.

Some tent is used in smaller areas. I’m just picking floss colors as I go. I plan to pad the stones on the path and the chimney.

I hope to keep you up on my progress. Hope you enjoy following along with me. Choosing threads, colors and stitches isn’t very hard. If you like the results….it’s fine.