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May 12, 2024

Today I got a congratulation message from Word Press, it seems that 16 years ago today I made my first post. Wow…I knew I had been posting for a long time but actually didn’t realize just how long. I have always tried to post at least 2 or 3 times a month as a journal of what I was working on. Time does fly ‼️

Tuscan Midnight continues to keep me picking up my needle for just a few more little squares. I have now reached the outer edge of the design. The instructions now change from making a trip all around the edge to working each of the four corner areas. The upper left was the first corner area charted so once again I have turned my canvas, and chart, upside down. In the photo below it appears that I am working on the lower right corner

Most of the stitch patterns are easy to follow. There is A LOT of compensation and I’m glad that each square is fully charted. One thing I have learned is that when you go from stitching a pattern vertically to stitching a pattern horizontally it fries your brain….for a few minutes. 😜

Tuscan Midnight

I hope everyone had a lovely Mother’s Day. More progress soon.

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